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Tag: Financial Peace

Navigating Investment Challenges: Insights from Three Decades of Financial Planning

by Dave Conley on February 2, 2024.

Let me start by stating one can gain investment know how (knowledge) by reading books listening to podcasts, and studying investment materials. In the same way one can learn to walk a tightrope by practicing in the backyard on a rope 6 inches off the ground. You can become very good at navigating that tightrope in the backyard. When the tightrope is strung between two buildings 300 foot off the ground that "experience" isn't as valuable.

Investing wisdom from an Octogenarian’s 50-Year Journey

by Dave Conley on January 26, 2024.

Welcome to the complex yet fascinating world of investing. Like you, I am an investor and over the past five decades, I've had the privilege of witnessing the intricacies of financial markets, making my fair share of mistakes, and, most importantly, learning from them. As you embark on your investing journey, I'm here to share with you the ABCs of investing, with a touch of wisdom gained through experience.

What is in an Estate Plan?

by Dave Conley on August 25, 2023.

What is in a simple Estate Plan? If you’re like most people, with a few kids and a house, you only need a will. You can use an online service like or The most common option is to meet with a local lawyer to help you discuss and setup the three documents needed...

Common Credit Card Misconceptions

by Randy Chalmers on August 11, 2023.

We’ve blogged about responsible credit card usage, calculations used to determine minimum payments, and other points on credit cards. This week we’ll discuss some common “tips” you may receive from friends and family about credit cards. Myth #1 Paying the minimum balance is ok Sure, paying the minimum due is acceptable and it’s actually welcomed...

Are You Setting Debt Targets?

by Randy Chalmers on July 14, 2023.

Do you know what percentage of income your mortgage payment is? Your car loan? Do you set debt targets? Debt targets are not a new concept, however, in my opinion, they are not discussed nearly enough with individuals of all stages of life. When you bought your first house did you aim for your mortgage...

Funding Your Fun

by Randy Chalmers on July 7, 2023.

You’re saving just the right amount in order for your family to afford the necessities plus a little extra in retirement. We all dream of retirement sitting on our porch with our favorite beverage as the sun is going down, but what about the day leading up to that peaceful evening? Have you included your...

July 4th, 2023, is America unique in history?

by Dave Conley on July 3, 2023.

What is American Exceptionalism? There is no other country in the world that represents the blend of classical philosophy, Christianity, and even Enlightenment ideas in the way America did in the founding of the republic from 1776 to 1789. It was an exceptional (meaning uncommon) mixture of liberty, limited government, natural rights, and religious liberty...

Debt Ceiling, crisis or charade ?

by Dave Conley on May 26, 2023.

Every few years we have this discussion about whether or not we are going to raise the debt ceiling. Let’s just be honest, the debt ceiling will be raised. Since 1960, it’s been raised 78 times (more than once a year). The chart below shows the times the debt ceiling has been raised since 1970....