You’re saving just the right amount in order for your family to afford the necessities plus a little extra in retirement. We all dream of retirement sitting on our porch with our favorite beverage as the sun is going down, but what about the day leading up to that peaceful evening? Have you included your hobbies in your retirement planning?

What do you plan to fill your retirement days with?

Golf, volunteering, gardening, day trading, pickleball, rebuilding cars, antiquing, fishing, boating, travel, or continued learning?

Almost any hobby you can think of costs money, some much more than others, but you’ll most likely need to replace or upgrade equipment for your pastime, and you do not want to have to get a new part-time job to purchase it!

So, next time you sit down and evaluate your retirement expenses, be sure to include funding for new golf clubs, fishing poles, textbooks, boating accessories, or anything else you’ll need (or want).

If you don’t have a retirement pastime in mind yet, be sure to explore what you could do. Engaging in hobbies has a direct impact on physical and mental health, especially in our retired years.

Research published by the American Psychological Association indicates that middle-aged and older adults (especially women) who give up on challenging tasks, may be more susceptible to cognitive impairment as they age.

If you need help finding your “thing” reach out to your family, friends, or financial advisors for some hobby ideas. My recommendation is golf!

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