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Category: Family

What is in an Estate Plan?

by Dave Conley on August 25, 2023.

What is in a simple Estate Plan? If you’re like most people, with a few kids and a house, you only need a will. You can use an online service like or The most common option is to meet with a local lawyer to help you discuss and setup the three documents needed...

Estate Planning 101

by Dave Conley on August 11, 2023.

Estate planning is just a fancy legal-ish word for what you want to happen to your money and stuff when you die or become disabled.

Are You Setting Debt Targets?

by Randy Chalmers on July 14, 2023.

Do you know what percentage of income your mortgage payment is? Your car loan? Do you set debt targets? Debt targets are not a new concept, however, in my opinion, they are not discussed nearly enough with individuals of all stages of life. When you bought your first house did you aim for your mortgage...

Are You Taking Advantage of All Your Financial Advisor’s Services?

by Randy Chalmers on May 5, 2023.

A financial advisor is an invaluable asset to managing your finances and providing you with personalized advice specifically for you. When you begin your relationship with your financial advisor you tend to have many face-to-face interactions as the long-term relationship is being established. Once a plan is in place the meetings slow down, but don’t...

Budgeting equals $$ Awareness

by Dave Conley on April 28, 2023.

“Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.” Thich Nhan Hanh Becoming aware of our spending is one of the most powerful tools we have. Why? In examining our spending we become aware of ourselves. Budgeting is simply being aware of our spending. Why is this keeping track of how...

What’s on Your Bucket List?

by Randy Chalmers on March 31, 2023.

A bucket list are activities we’d like to do before we die. Everyone has a bucket list, even if it isn’t written down. Don’t you catch yourself saying things like “one day I’d like to…” or “before I die, I’m going to…”? How will you fund those adventures if you aren’t planning for them? Frequently...

Consumer Satisfaction

by Randy Chalmers on February 3, 2023.

When you hear about someone saving for a large purchase, are you the type of person to think that person is probably planning to purchase a car, boat, antique, or another material item? Or, are you the type of person who thinks of saving for an RV tour of North America, a luxurious cruise, exploring...

Some Financial Highlights from the Secure Act 2.0

by Randy Chalmers on January 6, 2023.

529 Changes Previously, if you saved for your child’s college and they did not need the funds you could either transfer them to another student or withdraw the funds incurring a penalty. Under the Secure Act 2.0 (SA 2.0) you can now roll these unused funds into Roth IRAs without income tax or any tax...

Setting SMART Goals

by Randy Chalmers on November 18, 2022.

If you haven’t used the SMART process for setting goals in your life or business, then you probably don’t know what the acronym means. S   – Specific M – Measurable A  – Attainable R  – Relevant T  – Time-bound Specific What exactly will be accomplished and by what means? Measurable How will your goal be...

Information you Might not Know about Individual Retirement Accounts

by Randy Chalmers on October 28, 2022.

When conversations navigate toward the topic of retirement, one of the most common subjects discussed is IRAs. If you are unaware, IRA stands for individual retirement account, meaning it is not offered through your employer, you made a choice to start saving into a retirement account on your own. Traditional IRAs are invested pre-tax, and...